What We Do For Those We Serve

We provide comprehensive financial planning to those who are ready and willing to take control of their financial future. Our role is to offer collaborative professional advice, as your advocate and accountability partner. We help you to use your money effectively to build the life that you envision.
We translate your complex financial decisions into an easy-to-understand action plan. The plan that we create is based on your unique values and goals, and on what success looks like to you. We refine that plan year after year as your life, goals, needs and opportunities change.
Along the way, we remain in your corner, providing personalized financial education and support. We assist you in gaining better understanding and more confident control of your finances.
Below are some of the areas that we will cover.

Our ongoing Comprehensive Financial Planning covers the following areas.


We will create a cash management plan that intentionally aligns how you use your money with what you value.

Most clients are surprised by what they learn about exactly how they are currently using their money. The clarity you gain will be invaluable in better managing your expenses, and perhaps setting new income goals.

Assets and Liabilities

We will gain clarity about exactly what you own and what you owe.

This may be the first time you see your net worth statement in black and white. The clarity about where you currently stand will help us determine your goals, and forge a clear path there.

Credit Review and Debt Management

We will develop an effective debt management strategy.

Employee Benefits Review

We will gain a full understanding of your employee benefits package.

You may be pleasantly surprised by what our review of your employee benefits package reveals!

Income Tax Planning

We will explore opportunities for you to more efficiently maintain your wealth, using tools such; taxable income control, Roth conversions, loss harvesting and qualified charitable donations.

Risk Management

We will review your insurance coverage, and create a plan to ensure that you and your property are adequately protected from any risks that are relevant to you.

As a fee-only advisor we do not receive commissions or kick backs for any products. So you can be sure that our recommendations will be in your best interest.

Investment Management

We will align your investment portfolio with your unique stated goals, risk tolerance and risk capacity.

This includes; recommending a suitable asset allocation and portfolio for you, helping you consolidate scattered accounts, rebalancing your portfolio as necessary, and assisting you with implementing our recommendations.

Legacy and Continuity Planning

We will create a plan to protect and care for your loved ones beyond your lifetime.

If you find estate planning a difficult topic to discuss, you are not alone. We will support and guide you in thinking through difficult but necessary topics such as; asset titling, wills, trusts, financial powers of attorney, healthcare proxies and guardianship of minor children.

Education Planning

We will create a plan to pay for education – be it for your children, your self, or other loved ones.

You may be surprised during our conversations to learn that you and your spouse have entirely different views on how much of your children’s education you should pay for. These are conversation we will have, as we clarify your goals and explore the tools at our disposal, such as; 529 plans, pay-as-you go, student loans and financial aid.

Life Transitions

We will model scenarios you may be considering, and analyze their impact on your financial picture. These may include; evaluating job offers, purchasing a home, leasing or buying a car, financially assisting elderly parents, taking a sabbatical.

Client Website

Organize your financial documents on your personalized, secure dashboard.

Ongoing Support

Receive proactive tips and advice as planning opportunities arise throughout the years.

The financial advice and plan you receive from us is based solely on what is in your best interest. As such, and to avoid any potential conflicts of interest, we are a fee-only financial advisor. This means we do not receive any commissions or kickbacks. The only income we receive for the advice and financial plan we provide to you is the planning fee.

Our annual fee starts from $4,800 for individuals, and $6,000 for couples. It is payable monthly or quarterly in advance.